Slow Fashion | Handmade with Love | Based in Costa Rica

Bienvenidas | Welcome

Hi, I'm Ingrid Romero,

As a child I loved sewing because I come from a seamstress family. At 19 years old I went to study in Buenos Aires, Argentina, then I finished my studies in Costa Rica, I got married very young and had my first child and a need to start working. I started in 2016 with a small workshop where I met people and did more personalized work for them but always with the idea of ​​making my own brand, little by little I began to place my designs in collective stores.

Nomadesign is inspired by the slow life connecting with nature with natural fiber textiles, colors inspired by the earth, the sea, the sun, and finally I gave my work to God with a verse that I identify with. Deuteronomy 28:8 The Lord will send you his blessing on your barns, and on everything you put your hand on; and he will bless you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.


Noma Design

Whatsapp: +506 8575 2417

Email: [email protected]

Address: Calle Pedrero, San José, Costa Rica

C. Pedrero, San José, San Antonio, Costa Rica

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Aceptamos Pagos por Bridge Bucks & Nature Coin

We Accept Payments via Bridge Bucks & Nature Coin

Wallet: 0x77C868C6Ddf413D641Fcdc7a71e9123DC8e74cCe

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